Cultivating Healthier Humans Rooted In Safe Tech Awareness.

Come Out Of The Electrosmog From All Our Wireless Devices

Create A Culture Of Practising Wireless Hygiene For Better Health
Are You Hitting Electrosmog Overload?
Families and Health Practitioners! This is a great intro workshop exploring this exciting hot topic! Everyone is talking about EMFs from 5G and all our “Smart” devices, but in this Workshop you will learn fact from fiction.
This wireless technology radiation has 30 year old safety standards. You wouldn’t fly in a plane with 30 year old safety standards would you? In this Workshop learn how to practice wireless hygiene for better health, and discover what symptoms to look out for so you don’t hit your EMF threshold overload! EMFs are ElectroMagnetic Fields. This is an ElectroSmog from cell towers, cell phones, WiFi routers, wearable tech like Apples watches and AirPods, Smart Utility Meters, tablets, Smart Assistants, Smart Appliances, any Smart tech, Bluetooth etc… It has created an ElectroPollution in our environment that nature did not intend for us to evolve in.
This Wireless tech radiation goes through walls and through our bodies, what could go wrong?! Well, what we are discovering is a vast evidence base and that- “EMFs are the health crisis of our time.” -Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

Lisa Swarbrick
Founder of SomaFit Wellness is a Canadian Osteopathic Movement Therapist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach who applies EMF ElectroSmog Screening and Education to her practice and offers BioElectric Health online classes and other modalities that helped her practice Wireless Hygiene and feel less EMF symptomology. SomaFit Wellness- Personal Training
European Osteopathic Movement Work
ELDOA Spinal Integrity Practitioner
EMF ElectroSmog Symptomology screening
Energy Kinesiology for muscle imbalance
BioMagnetism- BioMag Pair Therapy (helps EHS)
Sound Tuning for pain & trauma
Wellness Coaching
Healthy Home Harmonizing (EMF/Geopathic)
Corporate Workshops in Safe Tech & Wellness
HeartMath (Heart/Brain Coherence)
Brain Gym

Glynn Hughes
Former DJ & Telecom consultant turned Telecom whistleblower and safe tech advocate. Glynn Hughes pioneered EMF protection products that are appreciated globally.
Glynn is a family man with a passion for truth & justice. He has been committed to helping individuals protect from toxic electromagnetic fields since 2004 & more recently to training health professionals, particularly those in the natural health sphere, to recognise & treat the (sometimes devastating) effects of modern electronics on humans & animals.
Glynn believes we should all have the freedom to choose to live without corporate toxic invasion of our personal space.
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